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The overall aim of the Glenavon School Health Education programme, is to enable students to take increasing responsibility for their own hauora and contribute to the hauora of others in their whānau and community

We do this by delivering our programmes both internally and with external providers in alignment with the New Zealand Curriculum. Health is integrated into daily programmes, taught through our Glenavon Mindset values and through term unit focuses.

bike track

swimming pool

lunch time sports

At Glenavon we offer a range of sport and recreation opportunities. Each day students participate in daily fitness routines with their class which involves movement, exercises, games, developing motor skills and team challenges.

the glenavon mindset

At Glenavon School, we aim to develop skills that will enable students to enhance healthy, respectful relationships and interactions with others and be confident in who they are, proud of where they come from and accept all those within the Glenavon whānau and beyond.

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When students leave Glenavon School, our goal is that they would have the necessary skills required to make confident and informed decisions in their lives, be aware and accepting of others and have a holistic approach to health and wellbeing.

Over the course of their time at Glenavon School, students will learn and apply their understanding of: food and nutrition, self care, physical activity, physical safety, cyber safety, wellbeing and from year 6 onwards, pubertal change.

what does it look like?



In Awa we are building the foundational skills we need to be involved in sports. We are learning to build positive attitudes to participating, contributing and showing resilience. We do this through fitness, games and having amazing outdoor specialists come in and support our teaching and learning. We learn about how to keep ourselves safe and healthy. 

As students move up the school they are exposed to more opportunities to be involved in sports both inside and outside school. These include daily fitness, weekly syndicate sports, weekly class P.E. lessons. Through the Health Curriculum we focus on the wellbeing of students, building relationships, positive attitudes and developing values. We discuss healthy choices, such a food. Yr. 3/4 is also the time where we explicitly teach how to communicate our needs and wants, leading towards good decision making. 


In Rākau, students continue to learn about hauora with a more holistic view that encompasses the physical, mental, spiritual and social aspects of health. 


We explicitly teach and learn about aspects of hauora, and students' ideas are challenged as to what it is to be healthy. Lessons include daily fitness, weekly P.E and Health sessions, and we integrate these concepts into other curriculum areas e.g. Dance, Science etc.


We also work on the Key Competencies and practice skills such as Contributing and Participating in teamwork, and Managing Ourselves and our health. Rākau is also where there are a lot more opportunities to participate in inter-school competitions, learning about practice, commitment, perseverance and representation.


daily fitness

syndicate sports

sports camp

inter school sports

attitude talks around puberty and friendships

opportunities for after school netball


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